Pro-Cure Brine N' Bite Complete
Pro-Cure Brine N' Bite Complete is a natural shine formula that has UV and Bait Brite added for the hottest natural baits. Add Pro-Cure Brine N' Bite to your natural baits to give them a fluorescent and UV color that will bring fish from all around. For over 20 years Pro-Cure has catered to the needs of many of the most famous fishing guides, lodges and charter operations in the world for one major reason - Pro-Cure Products consistently catch them more fish where other brands have not. Only Pro-Cure makes their scents from real whole fresh bait, and this makes a huge difference over scents that are formulated chemically in labs. Then they enhance all of their scents with powerful blends of exotic amino acids and bite stimulants to bring you the most effective scents ever offered. Pro-Cure Brine N' Bite comes in a 16 oz. bottle and is offered in a variety of colors. Made in the USA.
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